Hotel Canvas

Canvas was meant to be not only accommodation but a brand. In order to create something more than a beautiful space, the inspiration was searched in the most valuable parts of the country. We knew that Kenya has a lot to offer a most of that may not be seen in the bustling center of Nairobi. The concept brought on by traditional African map that guarded the location of treasures. We started with white - canvas, painted with black - map drawing and crowned with colours - treasures. In addition, the guest can find many flavours of the local fauna and flora translated into the modern design language. The concept evolves into facade which is a vibrant composition of projecting boxes with coloured glass, set against a black and white backdrop, creating an intriguing play of colour, shadow and light during different times of the day. The interior furnish and decoration reinforces the architectural principles and combines faceted geometric forms in white, with black trimmings and hints of colour, to create a luxe, sophisticated, spatial experience.

The hotel guests experience starts from monochromatic reception covered by 'mapped' ceiling that leads to the other areas. Each of them has a special space of element to discover, the gems. Those elements are highlighted by colour and lighting. The design allows the guest to continue their African journey inside the hotel's interior and provides a unique experience of the modern vision of the local culture.


LOBBY RECEPTION-01 2014-07-10






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